RRE Large Group Meeting this Wednesday, November 16, 6:30-7:30 via Zoom – VOTE WARNING

By | November 13, 2022

Please join us at our RRE Large Group meeting this Wednesday, November 16, 2022 from 6:30-7:30 via Zoom, at which time we will be voting on the mission statement (Official Warning).

Our agenda:

Connie- Welcome and Land Acknowledgment

Patty-Shall we revise our Mission Statement? Vote/ mDo we need more time?

Current:” Engaging our community in opposing racism – and advancing equity for Indigenous, Black, and people of color – through education, policy change, and reparations.”

Possible revision suggestions from the last meeting: “Engaging our community in rejecting racism and fostering inclusion by advancing equity for Indigenous, Black, and People of Color – through education, policy change, and reparations.”

Patty-Who will represent your committee when questions come up that your committee is best able to respond to and who will be your committee’s social Media person to post what your group is up to?

Next Large Group meeting January 18th?

Committee reports-


Emily- preliminary discussions of Richmond signage- Town Center and Entering Richmond

Jana- Preliminary exploration into Vermont Reads project- The Most Costly Journey and Anti Racism book sharing for Black history month in February.

Policy and Policing

Ann-P&P is meeting with the Town Manager and Interim Police Chief to work on the first step of the plan approved by the Selectboard Board to provide community oversight of and engagement with the police: improve data collection and share policing activities and outcomes. We have met several times and are currently working on updating the RPD website.


Alexis-We are in conversation with Abenaki scholar, artist and teacherJudy Dow to set up a date for her presentation on Lank Acknowledgement to RRE. Would like to set up this date at Wednesday’s meeting.

Zoom link:

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Passcode: 130365

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