Author Archives: jayfurr

Listen, Read, Engage (Borrowed from the Richmond Library)

By | August 6, 2020

Borrowed with thanks from the Richmond Free Library, the document linked below — a 47-page handout on adult fiction, non-fiction, audio books, and DVDs suitable for Black History month, those curious about Black Lives Matter, and those who wish to broaden their horizons.

30-Day Anti-Racism Challenge

By | July 17, 2020

This isn’t terribly fresh news (it came out a month and a half ago) but it’s worth sharing to make sure everyone sees it:

Burlington declares racism a public health emergency

By | July 16, 2020

Burlington is not Richmond and Richmond is not Burlington, but it’s interesting to note that on Thursday morning, mayor Miro Weinberger and the other groups formally declared racism a public health emergency. Quoting from the article on the event, “As part of the declaration, the group outlined three main goals. They include a commitment… Read More »