Richmond Public Safety Forum pm Wed. Sept 25 from 7p-8p

By | September 18, 2024

The Richmond community is invited to meet and ask questions of representatives from the Community Justice Center, Howard Mental Health Community Outreach and our Chief of Police, Anthony Cambridge.

The event will be on Wednesday, September 25th from 7-8:00PM at the Richmond Congregational Church. Please join us for conversation and refreshments at 6:30. A Zoom link for remote attendance can be found below.

Come and learn how their work keeps people out of the criminal justice system and increases public care and safety. Do you have questions about alternative justice approaches? Do you wonder about mental health support in our community? How do police interface with these agencies? Or do you have questions about our new Richmond police officer and comfort dog, general policing or crime in Richmond? All questions are welcome.

Please bring your questions or, if you prefer, send them to Patty Brushett at ahead of time.

And if “in person” attendance is not possible, we welcome you to attend at:

Topic: Public Safety Forum

Time: Sep 25, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) start up time for the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 4880 8675

Passcode: 997423

See you there!

Richmond Racial Equity Meeting Wed, Sept 18 at 7p

By | September 16, 2024

This week we will be finishing our plans for the Public Safety Forum on Sept 25 at 7p at the Richmond Congregational Church.

On Wed, Sept 18 our full agenda is:

  1. Land Acknowledgement -Connie
  2. Vandalism at Refind Boutique- actionable ideas: visit, flag, encourage shopping…Wafic
  3. Williston Racial Equity collaboration request for Martin Luther King Day Celebration
  4. New BLM flag! Cost $69-$55 collected so far-Gretchen
  5. IT costs- where we stand? Connie
  6. Linda Parent- Email list?-Bonny
  7. Jana- Are you set? Jana needs questions to ask if the audience doesn’t have any. Pick one you want to ask and give her others that you have.
  8. Biggest Priority is Publicly! Let’s do this grassroots work! FPF
  9. Post Flyers- Where? How else to get the word out.

Our Zoom link for this evening is:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 956 1589 1221

Hope to see you there!

Richmond Racial Equity meeting Aug 14 2024 @ 7pm

By | August 9, 2024

Please join us to discuss current topics regarding Richmond Racial Equity:

  1. Next Community Public Safety Forum on Sept 25
  2. Signage
  3. Policing Policies
  4. IT costs for the year
  5. Other items

The Zoom link to join us is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 976 7223 2560

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,97672232560# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,97672232560# US

Hope to see you then!

Cancellation of Public Safety Forum planned for Wed evening, June 5, 2024

By | June 3, 2024

A reminder to Richmond Racial Equity members, supporters, and interested folks:

We canceled the community Public Safety Forum planned for this Wednesday evening, June 5, due to a long term illness of one of our guests. We plan to continue the forum in the fall, possibly September.

Meantime, please consider attending the Planning Commission meeting that same night at 7a, for a discussion about Jolina Court developer’s request for changes in zoning. This is an important meeting for educating ourselves about town policy which affects access to housing, and for advocating for access to affordable housing. Please come if you can:

Planning Commission
Wednesday, June 5, 7 PM – 9 PM

PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with Act 1 (H.42) 2023, this meeting will be held online and conference call via Zoom as well as in person at the Richmond Town Center. You do not need a computer to attend this meeting. You may use the “Join by Phone” number to call from a cell phone or landline, this is a toll-free number. When prompted, enter the meeting information provided below to join by phone. For additional information and accommodations to improve accessibility of this meeting, please contact Keith Oborne at 802 336-2289 or at
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join by phone: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 852 4236 6175 Passcode: 861472
1. Welcome
2. Review and adjustments to the agenda.
3. Public comment on non-agenda items
4. Review and accept minutes of the 5.15.24 PC meeting.
5. Jolina Court – Continued discussion on amendments to the Jolina Court Zoning District.
Public and Selectboard members invited to comment on options under consideration by
Planning Commission.
6. Other business and updates
7. Adjourn

Richmond Racial Equity Meeting Wed, March 27 at 7p

By | March 26, 2024

RRE will meet on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 7p via Zoom.

We will be discussing the upcoming April 10th public safety forum with speakers from Williston Community Justice Center and Howard Mental Health and possibly Chief Cambridge.


Land Acknowledgment: Gretchen

Public Safety Forum- confirm date of April 10th

Place: Richmond Congregational Church, confirmed?

Time: 7pm ??

MC: who will do it


Set up time

Public Safety Forum publicity

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 9574 3302
Passcode: 170945

Hope to see you there!

And now for the March 13 agenda…

By | March 10, 2024

Richmond Racial Equity’s March meeting is on Wednesday evening, March 13 starting at 7p. The agenda is:

Welcome and Land Acknowledgment

Next Meeting- When? In person potluck?

Ceasefire Resolution Follow Up and Thank you Jana!

Town Meeting Debrief

Do we engage further with housing and if so how?

Public Safety Forum Update

Do we want to circle back to town inclusion statement and permanent town center sign?

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 9574 3302
Passcode: 170945

Hope to see you there!

Agenda for Richmond Racial Equity on Feb 7, 2024 from 7p – 8p on Zoom

By | February 5, 2024

Please join us this Wednesday, Feb 7 at 7p, for a discussion at Richmond Racial Equity about:

7:00-Welcome-Land Acknowledgment

7:05- Because last week’s agenda would have taken longer than our scheduled one hour meeting, we prioritized the time sensitive items and scheduled the rest of the items for a meeting on Wednesday, February 7.

  1. Debrief on Public Safety Forum. What did people like? and What would they change?
  1. What police data do we think is most important for public access on the Richmond Town website?
  1. Discussions on the RRE email list. How to be true to our values, as outlined in our mission statement, as we navigate future uncomfortable conversations via our email group.
  1. Approval of media subscriptions and deletions. Past and future cost sharing With membership.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 8399 8392

Passcode: 835901

Richmond Racial Equity Agenda for Jan 31, 2024 from 7p – 8p on Zoom

By | January 28, 2024

The RRE agenda for Wednesday evening, Jan 31 at 7p is:

7:00-Welcome-Land Acknowledgment

7:05- Because this agenda will take longer than our scheduled one hour meeting, we will need to prioritize time sensitive items for this meeting and schedule next meeting dates.

  1. Debrief on Public Safety Forum, set next Forum date and who will be our next Public Safety Forum guest with Chief Cambridge (Community Justice Center Director, Crista Lee McSweeny? Chittenden County States Attorney, Sara George? Howard Community Outreach?…)
  1. What police data do we think is most important for public access on the Richmond Town website?
  1. Discussion of the Celebration of Declaration of Independence statement created by the State of Vermont that has no mention of indigenous people.
  1. Discussion of housing challenges in Richmond- Town meeting Article.
  2. Discussions on the RRE email list. How to be true to our values, as outlined in our mission statement, as we navigate future uncomfortable conversations via our email group.
  3. Approval of media subscriptions and deletions. Past and future cost sharing with membership.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 879 8399 8392

Passcode: 835901