This is a thread to help folks decide who to vote for in the upcoming elections, comparing candidates’ platforms on racial equity.
Lieutenant Governor: VPR has interviewed every candidate, and they asked every candidate for their stance on police reform. Brenda Siegel comes out the strongest in favor of defunding police, and she speaks strongly on protecting BIPOC interests in general. But don’t take my word for it – please find links below to all the interviews (with audio and written transcripts).
Please share any further information you have on the candidates in this race or others!
Lt. Gov. Democrats:
Molly Gray democratic-lieutenant- governor-primary-race-2020- molly-gray#stream/0
Brenda Siegel democratic-lieutenant- governor-primary-race-2020- brenda-siegel
Debbie Ingram democratic-lieutenant- governor-primary-race-2020- debbie-ingram
Lt. Gov. Republicans:
Dana Colson republican-lieutenant- governor-primary-race-2020- dana-colson-jr#stream/0
Dwayne Tucker republican-lieutenant- governor-primary-race-2020- dwayne-tucker